I was born and brought up close to London but as an adult I knew there was only one place I wanted to be - the West Country. I was soon feeling very much at home living, working and studying in Exeter.
After completing an MA at Exeter University, I became curious about my family tree and to my amazement discovered that before the late 1800's all my ancestors had their roots in Devon. I still find it humbling that such a strong sense of belonging can span the centuries. I had come home.
I find much of the inspiration for my books - both fiction and non-fiction - in the landscape and people of the West Country. There are always rumours to explore, as with Seeds of Doubt, intriguing headlines that raise more questions than they answer, as with The Power of Three, or local stories to be told, as with Reason or Rebellion?, my book on the fight for the vote in the West Country.
I enjoy sharing the stories behind my books and welcome invitations from groups as a speaker, either in person in the south west or UK wide via Zoom.
My current talks include:
Reason or Rebellion? The Suffragette Story in the South West
On August 4th 1913, a car was spotted speeding away from a Devon mansion late at night. Moments later the alarm was raised as flames lit up the sky. The papers were filled with speculation that suffragettes were to blame. Truth or fiction? This one question opened a door to the fascinating story of the fight for the vote in the south west - not a tale of a sleepy rural backwater but of women prepared to protest at political meetings, recruit in the streets, join mass rallies in London, and suffer the agony of forced feeding in Holloway. All this ... and the biggest sleepover the region has ever known!
This multimedia presentation includes original footage and numerous illustrations from the time, first hand suffragette accounts and readings from ‘Reason or Rebellion’.
Thank you for your presentation which attracted a sell out audience of 100 festival fans. Feedback following your event has been outstanding: the quality of your presentation materials, the delivery style and pace have all been acknowledged. Following Michael Palin’s event was never going to be easy but I am delighted to say that we need not have worried! … A very entertaining and informative event. Appledore Book Festival.
Pamela's talk charts Women’s Suffrage from the First Women’s Suffrage Petition to Parliament in 1832 to the end of the war when all women achieved the vote in 1928. Pamela’s passion for her subject really shone through during her talk and she carefully guided the listener through the twists, turns and complexities of Women’s Suffrage, exploring the local movement against the backdrop of the national movement — something I had never really thought about before and I was surprised to learn how active and organised the women of the West Country were to establish this right.
Her storytelling, aided by original footage, extracts from the the book, real life stories of the women involved and appearing in costume of the day, all helped to transport the listener back in time and to better understand the courage, passion and determination of all those involved to secure the right of women to vote.
Suzanne Goddard, Fowey Harbour Heritage Society
The Lynmouth Floods - Act of God or Act of Man?
In the summer of 1952 disaster struck the small fishing village of Lynmouth on the North Devon coast. During one August night flash floods destroyed scores of homes and claimed 34 lives. But many recall the suspicions circulating of Government interference with the weather. Fact or fiction? Given top secret documents were now available from that time it was a question I had to answer. This talk uncovers the incredible true story that creates the backdrop for my novel Seeds of Doubt. I include information from those secret documents, book readings and anecdotes about the research and writing process in the multi-media presentation.
I just wanted to thank you once again for your excellent talk in Thursday. I had so many people come up to me afterwards telling me how superb it was and how they enjoyed it. Many comments like "brilliant talk" and "wow, that was the best talk for a long time". Bude U3A
The Power of 3: The Story of Thomas Fowler
‘Wooden Computer Invented in North Devon.' A startling headline for a local paper. It continued, ‘It is fascinating … to know that one of the original pioneers of the computer was a self taught bookseller and printer … who was born over 200 years ago. His name was Thomas Fowler.’ Thomas Fowler was a mathematician and engineer who invented a unique calculating machine that anticipated the computer age by more than a century. So why are so few people aware of this humble, self-taught genius from a small market town in Devon? Tragically bad fortune and prejudice dogged his footsteps and his ground-breaking work lapsed into obscurity. Until now.
This multi media presentation includes my account of Fowler’s life and work, video, illustrations and readings from original documents of the time.
Thank you for the excellent talk you gave to Otter Vale Probus club, our members were amazed to learn about Thomas Fowler. (Zoom talk)
Thank you so much for the interesting talk you gave last Thursday to our Local History group. Many people have contacted me to say how much they enjoyed learning about the achievements of Thomas Fowler. Holsworthy History Society
When Fact is Stranger than Fiction
The west country holds a wealth of stories waiting for an author to bring them to life. How do we go about finding them? Perhaps with a rumour circulating about a place or an event, the starting point for my novel Seeds of Doubt. Or a snippet in a paper that raises more questions than it answers, the inspiration for The Power of Three. Or curiosity about how national events played out here, the framework for my book on women's fight for the vote in Devon, Reason or Rebellion? This talk traces the writer's journey from original inspiration, through detailed research and writing to the exciting moment of publication.
I just wanted to message you to say a big thank you for Friday. I can honestly say that it was one of the most successful author talks we have had. Cullompton Library
I ask £65 per talk, plus travel expenses of 25p per mile, and bring all the equipment I require other than a screen - a blank wall works well. I cover Cornwall and Devon in person and anywhere in the UK or abroad by Zoom.
Recent Events
Out and about with my books.
The Power of Three Book Launch
Appearing at Ilminster Literary Festival

Appearing with fellow West of England Authors, Trevor Williams, Frances Evesham and Paul Toolan at Ilminster Literary Festival
Behind the Books
My career as a social worker with Exeter social services and Barnardos left me with vivid memories of the children in care who struggle to carve out a future for themselves. Shadow Child ...is fictional but inspired by, and dedicated to, those amazing young people. It was also inspired by the stunning Devon landscape.
My career as a social worker with Exeter social services and Barnardos left me with vivid memories of the children in care who struggle to carve out a future for themselves. Shadow Child ...is fictional but inspired by, and dedicated to, those amazing young people. It was also inspired by the stunning Devon landscape.
The spectacular scenery of Westward Ho! and the island of Lundy provides the dramatic backdrop for Shadow Child. See www.northdevon.com for more stunning views .
Shadow Child ...has the classic twist in the tale, a legacy of my move from social work into the world of murder and mystery as Founder and Director of The Whodunnit Company. My amazingly talented company of actors intrigued, entertained and desperately fought to stay one step ahead of our skilled sleuths on themed events both in this country and abroad. One of our venues was in the coastal village of Lynmouth in North Devon. While working there, I became aware of rumours that government experimentation with the weather may have contributed to the devastating floods in 1952. Very little was known locally so I embarked on some intensive research at the National Archives at Kew. The incredible story that emerged from the documents there provides the thrilling background for... Seeds of Doubt.
For more on Lynton and Lynmouth and the Exmoor National Park see:
www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk and www.visitlyntonandlynmouth.com
For more on Lynton and Lynmouth and the Exmoor National Park see:
www.exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk and www.visitlyntonandlynmouth.com